these are wonderful photos!!!... i especially love the first one... such vivid color... i've never seen anything like that before... what specie is it and where is it endemic?
This is a dragonfly named Dawn Dropwing (aka Crimson Dropwing) Trithemis aurora. The pinkish one at the top is the male, which was photographed by me in the ancient history. The one in the middle is an adult female and the last one, a juvenile both of which were photographed at my home garden recently. I also had a male visiting recently for a brief period.
Dawn Dropwing is sadly not an endemic being found in other countries in the Oriental region.
It is one of the most photogenic dragonflies if you know how to approach it.
Beautiful, beautiful images you've captured! I find my Meadowhawks very they greet ME first when I go outside or come home from an outing. I am just starting out to identify...have just purchased a I.D. book on our local species...not an easy task. I just love your photos...the hot pink dragon...amazing!!
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I am a naturalist guide specialising in bird watching and wildlife tours. I have keen interests in Theravada Buddhism and Vedic Astrology. I became an ardent Buddhist in October, 2012 after meeting Venerable Waharaka Abhayaratanalanka--who attained the Supreme Bliss of Nibbana in February, 2017. I studied at St. Peter's College, Colombo 4.
wow this is truly wordless entries. !! please visit mine. it is not so great like yours though.
this are great!!!!
Wow those are magnificent photos. Bravo!
Great shots. Happy WW! :)
Beautiful color, Amila. They are so peaceful.
What incredible coloring they have - the fuschia of the first and that irridescent gold of the third! Fantastic photos.
(Jaw dropped)
Great macro work here Amila!
I never seen this pinky species.
Coooool! That pink is soooo.... pink!!
Bravo. These are wonderful images, Amila. Well done.
Bobbie @ The Right Blue
The pink one is really special! pRetty in pink!
Wonderful captures, Amila!
these are wonderful photos!!!... i especially love the first one... such vivid color... i've never seen anything like that before... what specie is it and where is it endemic?
Super shots Amila
Beautiful! Other than that, I'm "wordless."
Those are beautiful! HAppy WW!
Beautiful hot pink baby! My daughter would love it for sure.
Dear All,
Thanks a lot for commenting.
This is a dragonfly named Dawn Dropwing (aka Crimson Dropwing) Trithemis aurora.
The pinkish one at the top is the male, which was photographed by me in the ancient history. The one in the middle is an adult female and the last one, a juvenile both of which were photographed at my home garden recently. I also had a male visiting recently for a brief period.
Dawn Dropwing is sadly not an endemic being found in other countries in the Oriental region.
It is one of the most photogenic dragonflies if you know how to approach it.
Beautiful pics...they give me the willies but those are great shots. Happy WW and thanks for stopping by:)
Fantastic photos Amila. Wow!
Awesome pics....and speaking of pics:
I will take ANY owl photos. Sri Lankan owls would be a great addition to the slides show!
Fiery pink or black and gold, these insects are decked out for a night on the town! Beautiful!
great photos. I like the first one best because I have never see a fly this color.
super pictures...
Hi Gallicissa, Happy WW! I like your dragonfly pictures. We call them Misquito Hawks in Texas.
Dear All,
Thanks a lot for commenting.
I am glad you liked my photos.
Have a super day!
This is my favorite Asian dragonfly. I was hoping we'd get a picture of this species from you eventually. Well done.
Hello Birdman! Back after a break! Wonderful captures! Thanks.
Thanks, Doug! I knew you would like it. Too bad you couln't get the male Dropwing that you had in that exhibit you mentioned to look like this.
Thanks, Kalu!
Good to have you back! A lot has happened in the Sri Lankan blogsphere since you went silent and you have a lot of catching up to do.
As always, such beautiful pictures! I love coming to see what fascinating things you have to show us.
Thanks for the Carlin video. Enjoyed it very much.
Thanks, Bobbie!
Glad you enjoyed the Carlin video.
That is one of my favourites.
I found your blog thru your comment on Ecobirder's blog. You have some fantastic photographs.
Hi Leedra,
Thanks! Glad you dropped by.
Have a good day!
Beautiful, beautiful images you've captured! I find my Meadowhawks very they greet ME first when I go outside or come home from an outing. I am just starting out to identify...have just purchased a I.D. book on our local species...not an easy task. I just love your photos...the hot pink dragon...amazing!!
Thanks, spookydragonfly!
Yes, Dragonfly ID can be difficult task at the start. A handy guide and some expert help wouldn't hurt.
I am glad you liked my dragons. Yes, our Dawn Dropwing - male in full colours is a knock-out!
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