Bird Guides of the World: Tom Tarrant, Australia
What is your favorite bird species? Any Cuckoo What is your name, and where
do you live? Tom Tarrant, living in Dayboro a small town 45 minutes
north-west ...
11 hours ago
I like the yellow sky. Did you use a filter. My old eyes had a hard time finding the pelican, but I enlarged your picture; and the pelican jumped right out. Nice photo and thanks.
I found it but it took some time! It wasn´t easy.
I don't see the bird, but I do see a beautiful sky!
I found it! But only after I enlarged the picture. It's about the size of a flea! Nice silhouettte of twigs against a golden sky though!
O.k. Gallicissa...I give up!! I even enlarged the photo! Still very nice silohette you've captured!
This shot is very very nice:)
It's like one of those "Find Waldo" pictures... I searched but to no avail... but it is still a pretty photo!
Have a really good weekend!
~Michele J~
Mountain Retreat
That's so elegant.
I too cheated and enlarged the pic! It just crosses a leafless branch! Love tones in this pic!
the brownish hue of the sky is really comforting to look at.
I think I can see it, just behind the branches in the left side. Beautiful sky, I almost forgot to admire it while searching for the bird. :)
Nice composition, interesting color...
The colour of the sky in this picture reminds me of the dust storms that used to brew up in Delhi when I was a child there. The same terra cotta sky - waiting to burst into action. This picture really stirs the imagination!
I found the pelican, after much examination. It was a bit like identifying high-flying aircraft; knowing the "configuration" helps.
The photo is beautiful (color, limbs silhouette, composition). I particularly admire the color of the sky; amazing!
Dear All,
Thanks for your comments.
Well done! - for those who spotted the Spot-billed Pelican.
For those who still cannot find it, it is what appears like a 'leaf' in long and leafless twig that dangles at mid right.
Ivon, I didn't use any filter.
I see the little bugger! Looks like October sky. Where is that pelican going?
Glad you did, Margerie!
It was flying towards its roost outside the Yala National Park.
This is so very beautiful. The tree looks so delicate against the sky.
Hey Amila, I found it but not necessary. It's a great photo.
I saw it as soon as I enlarged the picture. Interesting photo.
That's fun! Had to enlarge it though to spot it!
Cheers, Klaus
Hi Bobbie, Larry, OC & Klaus,
Thanks for your comments! If I had been a bit quicker, I would have done some justice to this Pelican!
I found it. Good thing you told us it was there though. Once I knew it was there, it popped right out.
Hi Bev,
Piece of cake for you, even with no help.
nice sky but I sure do not see the pelican
Thanks Tommy! Read my helpful tip above and try again if you come back.
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