Wow your photos are amazing. The bird and the butterflies are so beautiful. I would be very interested to know their names so I can find out a bit more about them. Happy WW
Hi Sasani, Yep and it is a Pied Kingfisher, photographed at my local patch. Thanks for being the first commenter in my Wordless Wednesday!
Hi Angie, Wow! What a compliment…I blush…Thank you! You too have a great day!
Hi Jennifer, Thanks! Have a great WW!
Hi Jams, If you hover the mouse over the image it would reveal their common names and if you click on them you could see their Latin names too. I am sorry; I respect Wordless-ness of this day too much! Thanks for your comments!
Hi Sara, Thanks! Pleased to hear your comments.
CK-II said... Thanks for dropping by. Have a great day
awesome photos, and thanks for the fun comment at Miller Manor. Ornery and I both got a chuckle out of that one, and I wish I had used it as my title, now! TM
Hi Sandy, Thank you! I am happy you liked my WW theme.
Hi Robin, Thanks! Glad you liked the Blue Mormon. That is a nice big butterfly.
Hi June, Thanks a lot! Lovely to hear it from you!
Hi Napaboaniya, Thanks! I am glad you liked them. Have a good day!
Hi Ornery's Wife, Thanks! I enjoyed your WW entry and glad you liked my comment. Have a great day!
Hi eastcoastlife, Thank you! No, I can only eat!
Hi Steffi, I am glad you liked my pics. Thanks for your comments
Hi Tigerfish, Thanks. Well, the first one is called the Blue Mormon.
Hi Indrani, You guessed right! Thanks for dropping by.
Hi Java, I thought I should go black and white for a change. A few that I selected originally to this sequence including a Calotes ceylonensis, a Malabar Pied Hornbill, a dragonfly named Pied Parasol, a Common Sailor butterfly & a Spectacled Cobra were dropped off last minute as they didn’t meet my last minute standard check for the theme chosen.
these are beautiful!!! and it's the first time i've seen a false lanternfly --- whether in photos or in real life... it must be amazing to see them through a camera's lens or your own eyes... these are great shots!!!
Oh my goodness! My little girl (the one with the dragonfly) would have so much fun on one of your tours. She is a lover of all six legged things (and two legged and four legged...)
Hi OC, Thanks as always! I am pleased to hear your comments.
Hi Beverley, I bet you have seen the Pied Kingfisher in your birding tours to India. I am glad to hear that you like my b & w theme. What a coincidence - I saw that you too seem to have a similar one! Great to hear your compliments!
Hi Steven and Aisha, Thanks a lot! Great to hear from you two!
Hi Mama Grizzly, Thanks! Only the 2nd & 4th shots are close up shots taken with the subjects very close. Others are digi-scoped at a distance. Answering your question, the first one was easy as it was found at dusk when it was not in a mood to fly anymore. Second one was taken sometime ago and it allowed close approaching after a bit of a chase.
Hi lareine, Thanks. I am pleased to hear your comments. Lanternflies are pretty cool insects. They often have their favourite trees that they hang around still during the daytime making it easier to target them if you know where to find them. I know a couple of spots in the Sinharaja ‘World Heritage’ Rain forest that I regularly show the to my visitors. Needless to say they score very high on the trip highlights.
Hi Tina, Thanks a lot! I am pleased to hear your comments. Staying close to nature is what I have chosen to do in my life, so I agree with you 100%!
Hi WillThink4Wine, Thanks! I know how you feel as I too have serious macro envy looking the shots taken by others!
Hi Tracy, I knew that your little daughter is a positive bugaholic! She sounds like a good companion to have on a rain forest walk. I have often found that such kids have great eye-sights. I enjoy listening to their joyous reactions.
Hi Secret Agent Mama, Thanks! I am very pleased to hear that comment. Say hello to your kids and tell them that “I will be back” (*sounds like the Terminator*)
Hi Urban Thought, Thanks! Have a nice day!
Hi Jim, Thanks for dropping by. I am pleased to hear your comments.
Hi Shabem, Thank you very much! Nice to hear from you. Have a great day!
Hi Allison, Thanks! I am pleased to hear your comments. Have a great day!
Hi Stella and Thomas, Thanks! Please take a tour in my blog after putting the twins to sleep.
Erin, Thanks! I am pleased to hear your comments. I hope Thomas will like my critters.
Hi Keith, Thanks for your lovely compliment. Now that you have mentioned it the Blue Mormon in that picture indeed looks like a pewter broach! Have a great day!
Hi Daisy, Thanks for your comments. I am pleased to hear your comments. Have a great day!
Hi Bunny Trails, Thank you! It is indeed a pleasure to find a Scrabble junkie! I know there are lots of those in your part of the world. I have found most of them to be formidable opponents.
Hi Askew To You, Thanks a lot. Enjoyed sharing them. Have a great day!
So now it is in black and white that this is an amazing post !!! :)
Loved the kingfisher . Isn't it just fascinating how the butterflies have the same colors and yet are patterned so differently ! Nature is truly an artist .
Thanks for you visit and your encouraging comment.
I am visiting your blog for the first time, via Wordless Wednesday, but I will definitely be back. Your photos are wonderful. I look forward to seeing more.
Hi Bobbie, Thanks! I am very glad that you visited my blog and what a superb blog you have!!! It opens a whole new world! I will be back too for sure too!
Hi Junebug, Thanks a lot!. Yes, the diversity of life is pretty good for a smaller country.
Hi Zoey, Thanks! I am sure you will if you try a bit hard and go determined to get them.
Hi Dyes, Thanks! I am glad you liked the Blue Mormon. This is the female. The male’s got the blue.
Hi Capturing today, Thanks! Yes I have got a few published. The most recent one is in the July issue of your Natural History magazine. I have blogged about it at:
Hi John, Thanks! Great to hear from you! I have restored your link.
Hi Lin, Thank you as always! I’d like to see a b & w post from you. No Red-winged Black Birds please! Okay, may be a R-w B with a view that conceals the red patch among other delights.
Hi ST, Thank you as always! Pleased to hear from you. May I request you too for a b & w post when you have time? I am sure you will come up with a good 'un with all your critters.
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I am a naturalist guide specialising in bird watching and wildlife tours. I have keen interests in Theravada Buddhism and Vedic Astrology. I became an ardent Buddhist in October, 2012 after meeting Venerable Waharaka Abhayaratanalanka--who attained the Supreme Bliss of Nibbana in February, 2017. I studied at St. Peter's College, Colombo 4.
Hey, is that a kingfisher in the second photo?
Never seen a kingfisher that's not bright blue!
Wow! The detail and colors of your shots are fantastic.
I wish I had even a tenth of your skill.:)
Have a great day!
Great shots!
Wow your photos are amazing. The bird and the butterflies are so beautiful. I would be very interested to know their names so I can find out a bit more about them. Happy WW
Wow! Great shots!
It looks as if the butterfly in the last picture is out walking... ;-)
Nice catches! Happy WW! :)
Hi Sasani,
Yep and it is a Pied Kingfisher, photographed at my local patch. Thanks for being the first commenter in my Wordless Wednesday!
Hi Angie,
Wow! What a compliment…I blush…Thank you! You too have a great day!
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks! Have a great WW!
Hi Jams,
If you hover the mouse over the image it would reveal their common names and if you click on them you could see their Latin names too. I am sorry; I respect Wordless-ness of this day too much! Thanks for your comments!
Hi Sara,
Thanks! Pleased to hear your comments.
CK-II said...
Thanks for dropping by. Have a great day
Hello there!
Great photos!
I wish I could be as good as you...
These are beautiful creatures. All beautiful. I enjoyed this sequence and the color theme.
Those are beautiful, especially the shot of the Blue Mormon.
Wonderful eye you have! Happy WW...
Your pictures are beautiful as always. Lovely butterflies.
Love the butterfly macros :)
awesome photos, and thanks for the fun comment at Miller Manor. Ornery and I both got a chuckle out of that one, and I wish I had used it as my title, now!
Wow! You take very beautiful pictures of nature.
Can you cook Korean dishes? :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Love your photos! These are great shots! And I love butterflies :)
Happy WW!
They are all beautiful. The first pix - is it a silver butterfly ?
You have B&W as your subject today?;)
Love the black and white sequences - great shots as usual
Wow, a Pied Kingfisher. I love that you have a black and white theme going on. You have a terrific talent with a camera.
Hi Adfam,
Thanks! .You too are making me blush…!
Hi Sandy,
Thank you! I am happy you liked my WW theme.
Hi Robin,
Thanks! Glad you liked the Blue Mormon. That is a nice big butterfly.
Hi June,
Thanks a lot! Lovely to hear it from you!
Hi Napaboaniya,
Thanks! I am glad you liked them. Have a good day!
Hi Ornery's Wife,
Thanks! I enjoyed your WW entry and glad you liked my comment. Have a great day!
Hi eastcoastlife,
Thank you! No, I can only eat!
Hi Steffi,
I am glad you liked my pics. Thanks for your comments
Hi Tigerfish,
Thanks. Well, the first one is called the Blue Mormon.
Hi Indrani,
You guessed right! Thanks for dropping by.
Hi Java,
I thought I should go black and white for a change. A few that I selected originally to this sequence including a Calotes ceylonensis, a Malabar Pied Hornbill, a dragonfly named Pied Parasol, a Common Sailor butterfly & a Spectacled Cobra were dropped off last minute as they didn’t meet my last minute standard check for the theme chosen.
Amazing shots! I really love how you take photos.
oh wow!!! THose are awesome shots! How in the WORLD did you get so close?
these are beautiful!!! and it's the first time i've seen a false lanternfly --- whether in photos or in real life... it must be amazing to see them through a camera's lens or your own eyes... these are great shots!!!
Beautiful photos! I really enjoy nature shots, they give a sense of peace in a troubled world. Awesome blog. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for dropping by my blog.
I can't believe how sharp and beautiful these all are! I have serious macro envy!
Oh my goodness! My little girl (the one with the dragonfly) would have so much fun on one of your tours. She is a lover of all six legged things (and two legged and four legged...)
Absolutely amazing, Amila!
My children think it's so cool that someone from Sri Lanka has come over to my blog. They send hellos from Atlanta, GA, USA!
WOW... Amazing photos!!!
Happy WW!
Very pretty creatures, Happy WW!
Simply beautiful. I love your photos.
Thanks for dropping by!
These are all beautiful. You make me feel guilty about being so chatty today on WW.
Hi OC,
Thanks as always! I am pleased to hear your comments.
Hi Beverley,
I bet you have seen the Pied Kingfisher in your birding tours to India. I am glad to hear that you like my b & w theme. What a coincidence - I saw that you too seem to have a similar one! Great to hear your compliments!
Hi Steven and Aisha,
Thanks a lot! Great to hear from you two!
Hi Mama Grizzly,
Thanks! Only the 2nd & 4th shots are close up shots taken with the subjects very close. Others are digi-scoped at a distance. Answering your question, the first one was easy as it was found at dusk when it was not in a mood to fly anymore. Second one was taken sometime ago and it allowed close approaching after a bit of a chase.
Hi lareine,
Thanks. I am pleased to hear your comments. Lanternflies are pretty cool insects. They often have their favourite trees that they hang around still during the daytime making it easier to target them if you know where to find them. I know a couple of spots in the Sinharaja ‘World Heritage’ Rain forest that I regularly show the to my visitors. Needless to say they score very high on the trip highlights.
Hi Tina,
Thanks a lot! I am pleased to hear your comments. Staying close to nature is what I have chosen to do in my life, so I agree with you 100%!
Hi WillThink4Wine,
Thanks! I know how you feel as I too have serious macro envy looking the shots taken by others!
Hi Tracy,
I knew that your little daughter is a positive bugaholic! She sounds like a good companion to have on a rain forest walk. I have often found that such kids have great eye-sights. I enjoy listening to their joyous reactions.
Hi Secret Agent Mama,
Thanks! I am very pleased to hear that comment. Say hello to your kids and tell them that “I will be back” (*sounds like the Terminator*)
Hi Urban Thought,
Thanks! Have a nice day!
Hi Jim,
Thanks for dropping by. I am pleased to hear your comments.
Hi Shabem,
Thank you very much! Nice to hear from you. Have a great day!
Wow, what absolutely stunning pictures! Amazing.
Happy WW!
These pictures are beautiful! I am going to check out the rest of your blog:-)
What a treat these photos are! More on the & white.
These shots are simply stunning. I particularly like the first one. It could almost be a pewter broach!
Oh my goodness, your photos are really beautiful! I just scrolled down and I see you have a lot of great stuff here.
Your shots are just stunning! I love the detail.
Always good to find another Scrabble junkie! :D
Thanks for dropping by.
Hi Allison,
Thanks! I am pleased to hear your comments. Have a great day!
Hi Stella and Thomas,
Thanks! Please take a tour in my blog after putting the twins to sleep.
Thanks! I am pleased to hear your comments. I hope Thomas will like my critters.
Hi Keith,
Thanks for your lovely compliment. Now that you have mentioned it the Blue Mormon in that picture indeed looks like a pewter broach! Have a great day!
Gorgeous shots. Thank you for sharing them on Wordless Wednesday. :D
ooo very nice shots! I love the butterflies.
Hi Daisy,
Thanks for your comments. I am pleased to hear your comments. Have a great day!
Hi Bunny Trails,
Thank you! It is indeed a pleasure to find a Scrabble junkie! I know there are lots of those in your part of the world. I have found most of them to be formidable opponents.
Hi Askew To You,
Thanks a lot. Enjoyed sharing them. Have a great day!
So now it is in black and white that this is an amazing post !!! :)
Loved the kingfisher . Isn't it just fascinating how the butterflies have the same colors and yet are patterned so differently ! Nature is truly an artist .
Thanks for you visit and your encouraging comment.
Wonderful shots. They are all exquisite.
Gorgeous shots. Beautiful creatures. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Happy WW. Have a great hump day.
Hi Cynthia Blue,
Thanks! I like your name. Have a great day!
Hi Starrlight,
Thanks! Have a great day!
Hi shubd,
Thanks for putting it in black & white!
Nature is truly amazing and I am a very keen student of it.
Have a great day!
Hi Carver,
Thank you very much! Pleased to hear your comments.
Hi Misty,
Thanks a lot! I am glad you liked them. I like your name.
beautiful shots! Thanks for stopping by my blog, too!
wow! I love butterflies!:) great pics!
happy WW!
Oh my goodness, your pictures are beautuiful!!!!!
Awesome shots! Cool.
Thanks for dropping by & Happy WW
Beautiful nature photographs! The colors are vivid. Love it! Happy WW!
Thanks for visiting My Meandering Mind. :)
beautiful shots! totally wordless! thanks for sharing.
happy WW!
Oh my! these are really beautiful shots... I'm wond'ring what kind of creature is on the 4th picture.
Wow, beautiful photos! You have a wonderful eye!
Thanks for stopping by my WW!
Nature is so pretty!
Beautiful shot great wordless Wednesday...see you in my blog..Thanks.
Your photos are gorgious !!
WOW! These are amazing. What is that funny creature with the "horn"?
Hi ChristiS,
Thanks! Have a good day!
Hi Salamat,
Salamat dating! Pleased to hear your comments. Have a nice day!
Hi Di,
Thank you very much!. I am glad you liked them.
Hi Strider,
Thank you! Have a good day!
Hi Audra Marie
I am happy you liked them, thanks! Good day to you!
Hi Sunshineforlife,
I respect Wordless-ness of this day! Thanks for appreciating it!
Hi Rizza,
Thanks! That is called False Lantern fly. Visit
to know more.
Hi Tammy,
Thanks for your nice compliment! Have a great day!
Hi meemsnyc,
Yes it is!
Hi mimi11460,
Thanks! Will do…
Hi Gattina,
Thanks! Have a good day!
Hi Holly,
Thanks! It is called False Lanternfly and it is a cool resident in our rain forests.
I am visiting your blog for the first time, via Wordless Wednesday, but I will definitely be back. Your photos are wonderful. I look forward to seeing more.
Magnificent photos. Amazing to be around such beauties.
Such beutiful pictures! I love butterflies but dont seem to be lucky to catch them on picture though...
i like the first picture! such a nice butterfly :)
Hi Bobbie,
Thanks! I am very glad that you visited my blog and what a superb blog you have!!!
It opens a whole new world! I will be back too for sure too!
Hi Junebug,
Thanks a lot!. Yes, the diversity of life is pretty good for a smaller country.
Hi Zoey,
Thanks! I am sure you will if you try a bit hard and go determined to get them.
Hi Dyes,
Thanks! I am glad you liked the Blue Mormon. This is the female. The male’s got the blue.
Incredible photos - have you ever had any published? Looks like you have all the makings of a fabulous book. Thanks for stopping by my blog this week!
Hi Capturing today,
Thanks! Yes I have got a few published. The most recent one is in the July issue of your Natural History magazine. I have blogged about it at:
I am pleased to hear your comments!
These are some incredible shots you posted here. I really enjoy them.
Gorgeous photos! They seem almost touchable!
Hi Robert,
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed them. Have a great day!
Hi moziesme,
Thank you! Pleased to hear your comments. Nice to hear from Mozambique!
you got some wonderful pics in your blog..especially of the butterflies and frogs....
Wow, beautiful pictures! I love photography and wish I was great at it... Maybe someday :)
Hi Shooting star,
Thanks! I am pleased you like my pics. Nice to hear from the neighbourhood! Will be back to check you blog...
Hi Jade, Will & Illy,
Thanks! I enjoyed your cute little girl's photos.
Great photos!
Wow, Amila! These are stunning. They're all so different from what we have here. I love the butterflies, but that kingfisher is awesome.
nice work, as always, Amila.
Hi John,
Thanks! Great to hear from you! I have restored your link.
Hi Lin,
Thank you as always! I’d like to see a b & w post from you. No Red-winged Black Birds please! Okay, may be a R-w B with a view that conceals the red patch among other delights.
Hi ST,
Thank you as always! Pleased to hear from you. May I request you too for a b & w post when you have time? I am sure you will come up with a good 'un with all your critters.
Do you always have to have the last word ;)
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