I guided Israel Leinbach, a crack US naturalist from Yuma, Arizona on a day tour to Sinharaja. He had reached there independently, a couple of days ago. Returning home after my birding trip with Malcolm and Duan, and just managing forty winks, I was off to Sinharaja at 2.00 a.m., to meet him at an all-suite botique hotel named, Boulder Garden.
As I was just myself, I had my local tuktuk friend, Sarath who had already made a couple of mission-critical-trips to Sinharaja with me, to deliver me there. Israel was the first to tour with me after finding me through my blog. He is reading for his Masters in Entomology, and was quite keen on all types of life forms that come in smaller sizes, especially scorpions. He is also a brilliant photographer with special interests in macro photography, and by the time I met him, he had already found quite a few critters under his own steam including a family of scorpions. They were under a boulder in the boulder-strewn landscape of the hotel gardens. And he also knew where the best looking frogs in the hotel gardens were.

Israel had already made a visit to Sinharaja before I met him. However, he still had several key targets missing in his wish list, which included the endemic Green Pit Viper, Hump-nosed Lizard, and False Lantern-fly. And he didn’t mind the odd snake or two.

After meeting him, I got Sarath to drop us at Sinharaja. He enjoyed it.
Before reaching the forest proper, we paused at several roadside patches along the road leading to the ticket office in search of Sinharaja’s abundant natural history.
Our first finds was the endemic Tree-climbing Crab Ceylonthelphusa scansor—a high profile crab, may I add.
We also saw Sri Lanka Rock Frog Nannophrys ceylonensis, the latter found hiding inside moist rock crevices during daytime. Both the above genera are endemic to Sri Lanka—with the later having three representatives in the scientific inventories of which is presumed extinct. It is only found in museum specimens made in the hey days of British era of natural history explorations, and recent field work to find it had drawn blank.
After obtaining our permits and meeting our compulsory local guide, Ranjaka, we took a 4-wd jeep ride up to the forest’s entrance. En route, I paused to scan a tree that I had observed the good looking False Lantern-fly previously. While I was scanning this tree high up, fresh from memories of my most recent encounter with it last December when I found one high up, Israel spotted one quite low down, which was great as it was within the range for close up photography. He got some cracking photographs of it over the next 20 minutes while I searched its vicinity for other thingamajigs.

We had still not entered the forest’s main entrance, and Ranjaka delayed our entrance again by spotting another gem—tree snake, Stripe-tailed Bronze-back Dendrelaphis caudolineolatus, resting on a fern patch on a slopy edge. I told Israel to first go for a record shot before getting closer for improved macro shots as this non-venomous snake is calm in disposition, often tolerating closer approaches. This was a useful hint as he was able to do just that taking his own time to try out different settings and compositions, and getting some stunning shots in the process. His close-ups of its head area was unbelievably good. He had not encountered any snakes on his visit to Sri Lanka prior to this, and this was enough to make him declare that his trip to Sri Lanka is now justified.

That really was an orgasmic encounter!
This sluggish arboreal snake is one of the most photogenic ones if you know how to deal with it, and it took some persuasion to take him away from it.
Walking towards the research camp, I paused in for some wayside avian distractions in the form of a pair of roosting Sri Lanka Frogmouths, found in the previous visit. He had already seen these on his previous entry, but was not dismissive of it, when I offered him scope views. Soon, Israel found and photographed a stunningly beautiful jumping spider, so ornately coloured that it would have got even the most extreme arachnophobiac hooked on spiders. It was seriously bling, bling. Too bad I couldn't shoot it, as it was so tiny, and out of my range, photographically speaking.
We broke off to put our feet up during the midday, which offered some arm-chair birding with several confiding Sri Lanka Blue Magpies and Sri Lanka Junglefowls breaching our personal space before a mixed species bird flocks operating in silence yielded scope views of Malabar Trogon, Sri Lanka Crested Drongo and Ashy-headed Laughingthrush.

The time was 2.00 p.m. and Israel didn’t seem to be any hungry for lunch (when my hunger index—calculated from 0-10 had already hit an all-time high!), and we continued our quest—living off biscuits and bananas—in search of the remaining high profile endemic, the Hump-nosed Lizard. I took him up deeper into the virgin interiors of the rain forest and to a site where I photographed a pair of these at point blank range last December. En route, we found several good-looking arthropods, which were all nicely macro photographed. Having arrived at the site of the lizard, we searched for it high and low but were unable to locate it.
Thinking that it may have distanced away from the site I found it earlier, I searched the perimeters only to draw a blank again.
Finally, we decided to do our operation in three different fronts sweeping the forest. After an hour or so of searching, Israel exclaimed going into what was then a familiar high, stumbling another Green Pit Viper!
It was a young individual lying in ambush low down in a tiny sapling. This site was quite away from any stream, which was interesting, as Green Pits are usually found alongside streams. Knowing well will be lingering here for some more time, I went back to find the missing lizard, and to re-focus on what I thought to be the "core area," undaunted by the failures.
Soon we hit gold as Ranjaka skilfully spotted an adult male

Hump-nosed Lizard settled about 15 feet up a lanky under storey tree—just the 3rd neighbouring tree from where I photographed it in December!
Israel was quickly summoned—and what do you know—it was love at first sight for him. Being out of macro photographic range, some work was necessary to bring it to a manageable height before attempting to photograph it.
It was clearly a day of multiple orgasmic sightings.
I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent chasing targets for Israel who was great fun to work with. He keep me going with his hunger for nature and great sense of humour. He possessed an amazing field craft, which made every minute that I spent with him at Sinharaja enjoyable. Israel was never short of appreciation of my efforts, and it was such a good feeling to make a clean sweep of all his prime targets.
I believe luck plays a big roll in such limited operations and this man was one lucky dude. A prolonged late Sri Lankan rice and curry lunch at 4.00 p.m. at Martin’s was described by him as the best meal he had since coming to Sri Lanka. I returned home with some great gifts, which included a snake-guard, a streamlight TwinTask 2D flash torch ideal for my nocturnal pursuits.
Tour guides reading this post: if you get an enquiry from this man, Israel Leinbach, do not miss the opportunity to guide him. He is bloody awesome!

Amila - Thanks for sharing, those photographs really are spectacular.
Thanks Rhythmic. Nice to hear from you.
Brilliant shot of the Calotes, Amila. The Trimerasaurus, though, has less green than I remember them to be. As usual the shots are superlative.
Great stuff!
Thanks a lot Java. You're right; the true green of the Green Pit Viper had not been achieved in my pics sadly. For that matter both of us were decidededly unhappy of what our respective cameras though in opposite ends of the scale achieved in capturing that beautiful green. I am yet to see his pics online and I should be able to judge how far he had been able to rectify it in the final output. I didn't photoshop it much.
Java, I digged into my photo folder to find a Green Pit photo, which I think shows slightly better colours than the washed out colours of the previous one and I have used it to replace the old image. What do you think of the green of the new image ? I must admit that I have seen far better pics of the Green Pits.
The reptiles are fantastically beautiful. How fortunate you are to get such lovely shots.
Slightly better, is right. Wonder why the green didn't come through, because the Calotes' green is just stunning!
O: Thanks a lot. I love to go macro on reptiles - when possible. I am happy you like those.
Java: Thanks! I will check with Israel about this now that you have raised this matter.
Calotes calote is an old pic, which I used as a filler for this post. It was taken using my old point and shoot digital camera.
Hi Ocean, Thanks a lot for this!. I did pick up my award and as you can see am proudly displaying it in my layout with a link back to it. Shall explore your other picks as soon as I am done with my big birding tour report which is way too long. And boring.
Hi Ocean, My pleasure. I see that you are not big on snakes. I am glad you like my Green Forest Lizard. Thanks for your compliments and words of encouragement. The next bird report coming up (of a 15 day birding tour) is like a short story. I am going to post it at Surfbirds.com
Woah! Nice blog and those are some sweet herps!
Thanks for putting up our details for IATB - I hope you'll drop me a submission for inclusion!
Hi Tai Haku, Thanks fo dropping by and for your comments and compliments.
I did send you my link yesterday for the birding blog carnival you are hosting. I am sure you had posted your comment before seeing/receiving it.
Anyway, I must add that you too have a superb blog! And I have added you to my blogroll. Look forward for your carnival.
awesome shots! congratulations!
Hi Markus, Thanks for dropping by and for your wonderful comments. I have just added a link to your superb site.
I've never seen a green pit viper. how easy are they to find? I'm heading hom in dec and would love to see one. maybe i can contact you at somepoint?
Hi Dev,
Good to hear from you. They aren't too easy to find but then again, if you stay focused, finding one isn't too hard either. Sinharaja is the best bet to finding one. Kithulgala comes to me as a close second. I am engaged with tours from 16 Dec to the first couple of days of Jan. I'd be available from around 3rd to 7th Jan.
You can drop me a e-mail to gallicissa AT gmail DOT com
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